Do you have the staff and resources to put your race together, but need a little extra help on race day? We can professionally time and score your event to make sure each participant is able to see their hard work shown off. We have a wide variety of RFID chip timing options, and the ability to post results in real time. Give your race (of ANY size) the most professional, big time feel possible.


  • Generic Bibs w/ RFID chips

  • Official Timer

  • Timing mats, Start/Finish Truss Arch and LED Race Clock

  • Basic Online Registration website with Race day registration kiosks (if needed)

  • Live Streaming Results

  • 850-watt speaker for announcements and music

# of Registered Participants                                                               Price

0-150 participants                                                                  $750 (Minimum fee)

151-999 participants                                                         Minimum fee + $2.00/runner 

 1000+ participants                                                            Minimum fee + $1.50/ runner

Custom race bibs, and banners are available at additional cost. We can also provide on-site packet pickup, graphic design and marketing services for a small fee. Contact us today!

Timing Services

